Open Cloud Groups API + Users API [Beta]

How Long The Approval For Oauth 2.0 Apps take? The ETA? I got a project launching soon so I want to make sure it is seamless

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Our project got approved in under an hour, but we were only using the openid and profile scopes so make of that what you may.


Sounds good thank you. We are using pretty much the same. This is a amazing feature ngl. W roblox


Great feature. Ideally as much data as possible can be accessed from the API as using cookies. Currently it’s hard to move over for most people due to Group rank control being only accessible using a cookie. With the cookie invalidating on ip change I am really hoping to get group rank control with API use ASAP as it is not smooth or safe using cookies.


Hey all, this has now been re-enabled, thank you for your patience while we worked away the issue!


What are the possible values to use for generating a user thumbnail? The docs are missing them.

Will it be possible to define bust, headshot, full body thumbnail like the other api can?

Will we get API to prompt in-game group join requests at some point?

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As of right now, the docs aren’t displaying these values properly but for the format parameter they are: PNG and JPEG and for the shape parameter they are: ROUND and SQUARE

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When will these new endpoints be added to the docs?

Screenshot 2024-05-12 at 11.59.48 PM

They’re there now! Sorry for the delay.


Will there be an option of automatically ranking someone, such as if they purchase a gamepass, etc. This would be a great feature as using APIs such as noblox.js can be tedious to setup as they require a cookie to use. It would be great to see that feature inside of this API, as it would save developers many hours setting up themselves.

I don’t think the pageToken query parameter is working for the list join requests endpoint. When I include the token of the first request with no page token, I just get the same results with the same next page token. The group I am testing has about 6 pages of join requests at the moment.

Edit: It appears that if you accept or decline a join request in between the requests, it is fine.

Thanks for notifying us of this! We’ve rolled out a fix so it should be working now but please let us know if you continue to see issues


I can’t retry with the same group (turns out when you automate group joins, you are left with no group joins), but I tried another group that wasn’t automated yet, and confirmed it is fixed. Thanks for the <1 week response + fix.

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I wish…It’s been a requested feature for a looooong time

Can you check group funds or group pending funds? I think that’d be really useful!

where ability to rank people within open cloud @Hooksmith @PureBigMadBoatMan

We have someone looking into it, we don’t have a precise timeline. Thanks for your patience.


Thanks for the update! I would really appreciate this as it would allow me to immensely simplify my applications system

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