Open Cloud - Publishing Your Places with API Keys is Now Live!

The size limit is currently 4MB, see Open Cloud - Publishing Your Places with API Keys is Now Live! - #94 by pizza_shadows

The size limit is 4MB currently. We’re working to increase it.

Is there an ETA on this and what the increased size limit would be? Would love to get to using this in current projects!

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A very nice addition would be DataStore and MemoryStore endpoints, and webhooks that we can use in order to publish seemless events to a central server, say an EC2 instance from AWS, without doing long-polling and wasting potential resources (requests limit, bandwidth, etc…). Teleporting users from a place to other, making sure that they’re online, using a VPS, would also be cool, without having to resort to multiple HTTPS requests. Some of these visions may seem hard, but they will be a pretty cool addition to roblox, in making matchmaking more accessible. I’m very hyped in seeing more endpoints coming to roblox!

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Very excited to use this, especially the DataStore API. If we can read and write to DataStores from outside roblox, it opens up so many possibilities for new projects and ideas.

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Hi all,

Great news! We’re excited to announce that the Place Publishing API has increased the file size limit from 4MB to 100MB. You are now able to use the same API but publish more complex experiences directly.

Please let us know if you see any issue. We look forward for tools like Rojo to pick up the new method!

Happy building!
The Roblox Team


This is a big improvement! The larger the file size, the better. I’d say 100MB is really good.

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Is there any roadmap to support GET method to download the current place (or something that exists currently that I’m missing)? This would be super useful for raising places to different environments (e.g. Dev → QA → Prod).

IIRC, I’m pretty sure I can do this with Remodel, but would be cool to have this baked into the cloud API so I don’t have to have user auth cookies everywhere.


Hi all, Does anyone know how I get documentation for this API? The best I can find are on the dev hub and there are only two articles. Are Roblox just taking their time on releasing their documentation for this?

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Will there end up being support for groups and other non-game related stuff? It would be sick if so!

There are two docs: Tutorial and Place Publishing API reference. What additional info do you need?

Are you talking about APIs to engage with Groups like ranking members or using API keys in a group game? The latter will come out soon, and the former is under planning. We’ll circle back once we have more info.

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I was under the assumption that Open Cloud had more features and therefore would be more documentation for those features. There is also no API Reference for the Open Cloud.

I’m aiming more towards ranking players

I’m getting an response of status 500 “An error occurred while processing your request.” when attempting to upload a binary place file (.rbxl) which is around 73.3 MB.

I’m using a GitHub action that I created, which works for smaller place files but not for this large one.

This is really great, I’ve set up a GitHub action using rojo if anyone wants it.

When will more apis open - I’m particularly interested in group functions and updating models.

You mind personal messaging me on how to setup the github action for open cloud? I’m stuck so it would be great if you can hand some of the files to me.


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Same problem, but with any file size. It used to work just some days ago though.

Is this for automatically deploying models and plugins too via github or just games? There doesn’t currently appear to be an Access Permission to achieve this for models/plugins and it’s something my team would really benefit from.

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There is no api for assets yet. Only places can currently use open cloud.

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