[OPEN] [FOR HIRE] Graphics Designer! Gfx creator! {Thumbnails, Logos, Ads, Animations, Etc}

I have a couple of things I’d like to address.

  1. FanTas, I understand your intention was to provide insightful advice and tips for the creator of this portfolio; however, this is not what a portfolio is for. A portfolio is a place for creators to showcase their work. It is actually against the Dev Forum’s TOS to make negative and unrelated comments on another creator’s portfolio. Portfolio comment sections are available to those who bought from the creator, a place for them to review their experience, not for other creators to nitpick at their work. If you don’t like what you see, don’t buy from them! It’s that simple. If you’re looking for a place to share your opinion you can go to the #development-discussion or #help-and-feedback:art-design-support .

  2. Nobody can tell anyone what to price their work at. Although you may think these prices are ridiculous, I would personally buy these for the listed price due to the amount of detail and effort Cool_lightning7 puts into them. It’s up to the creator to decide what their work is worth, not you.

  3. Now to address another issue; I think it’s ignorant to judge someone’s ability to create content by their writing capacity. Some of the most talented people I have ever worked with do not speak English. Although you may see grammatical errors as unprofessional, I applaud Cool’s effort, as this is not their first language, but they still make the effort to do their best. Another TOS you violated was discriminating against another creator. It’s incredibly unprofessional to downplay someone’s talent due to their native language.

  4. Your comment in regards to Cool_lightning7’s grammar included several grammatical errors; missing commas, apostrophes… I’d suggest checking over your own grammar before attacking others in the future.

  5. Please think before you comment! I understand your intention was most likely not to be rude or mean; however, it would be best to look over your writing and think about a couple key things:
    -Is it helpful?
    -Is it polite?
    -Does it follow TOS?
    -Is it needed?

I think if you applied these four questions when responding to posts in the future, your comments would be taken more seriously and would be less likely to offend others.


Thanks! To be honest I was being pretty stupid and embarrasing myself. This is not an excuse, but It was pretty late at night for me so I guess I was just getting crazy as i was tired.

Okay thanks! I feel pretty embarrased lol

Thanks for help, ToastxYT! :smiley:

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Now I have more free time and I can take more comms!

Now I accept real money now too.