Game Programmer for Hire

About Me

Hello there! I am offering my services as a scripter. I specialize in game programming, I do a small bit of UI. I have been scripting on Roblox for around 4 years.

Notable Info

I had the opportunity to work along side some fantastic Roblox Developers and YouTubers during Egg hunt 2020.

View my Talent Hub!

Games I’ve worked on include:

Anomic RP [Head Developer/Programmer]
Upblox Paradise [Head Developer/Programmer]
Ski Resort (Worked on Mobile compatibility)
International Airport [Head Programmer]
Bobsled Simulator [Head Programmer]


Here is an Interaction system I've coded

This is the door system, it’s very efficient performance wise.

Window system

Extra Info
This is all tweened on the client side, depending on where the client is standing, for example, the client is 130+ studs away the door will not animate as there is no point, and will save performance. The server is still kept up-to date on the intractables’ status.

Here is a map optimization system programmed for @Ms_Banlo

250 Stud Radius, client-side.

Here is a tycoon kit I programmed for @Vamonoz

All of which is easily customizable!

Button effect & cool doors :sunglasses:
Cash Collection System :money_mouth_face:
Unlock Item :tada:


I am available about 35-40 hours per week


Prices are negotiable, I accept either hourly pay or per system I script. My preferred payment method is :robux_light: R$


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: AspectType#0100 (My friend requests are disabled, so let me know yours)

Thanks for taking the time to read! :slight_smile:


How much would you charge for a full simulator to be scripted?

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Hey, it would depend on the kind of simulator, which features it includes. We can discuss this through discord if you like?

I’ve sent you a friend request.

Do you accept percentage as a payment method?

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Yes, I also accept a percentage of revenue. :slight_smile:


Are you interested in scripting for a rpg ?

Excuse me I couldn’t send you a friend request because it said the tag was invalid for some reason

a little late but ur dsicord tagged seems to have changes.

Can you script physics? (30 chars)

hello, if you avaliable i need a scripter for a game called knight simulator! however the only way we are allowed to pay is in percentage around 20-30%. i understand if you arent avaliable.

Hi sir , I am interested hiring you for a simulator project pls contact me on Dev forum or discord: ZeXelDev#4459.

Hey, I’m interested in possibly buying your door system, contact me on discord. Zoom#1000

I’d love to contact you for an opportunity to script a big project for us. I can provide more info in the DMs of course! Please add me: Zombie#2336

Hello,I’m interested.My tag: Er1k#7026

Hey there man,

I was wondering if you could do a ray-casting gun system?

Looking forward to a reply.

Hi, I’m very interested in hiring you. Please DM me: TMS Gaming#5630

Hello, I am interested in hiring you for a project, message me at pyth#6737

Hello, me and my dev team are in need of a scripter capable of making guns, UI’s, and NPC’s for 20k+ robux contact me if you seem interested at JaymarThePG#9999

Hello, interested in hiring you. My username is Anareloux#3569

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