[OPEN] Hindi translator for hire! | MystiqueArts's Portfolio

If I were to use that, it would mean Play Computer i.e. I would be asking the computer to play.

If you take exact meaning, yes, but there are different ways a sentence can be written.

Iā€™m still open! DM me for commisions!

Iā€™m still available! DM me for more information!

I can finish a job quickly if you hire me!

hey there,
iā€™m searching for a hindi translator.
I was trying to add you on discord, but it doesnā€™t seem to work. If you are interested and want to look into the job further, please add me instead: Eazyiest#2118

Oops, I had forgotten to update my tag: MystiqueArts#1686

Smooth and good service! :+1: :+1:

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Updated portfolio, with client reviews!

Get commissions soon! I will have to close up soon due to school! Get it while you can!

Iā€™m still available for commissions!

Iā€™m completely available for commissions! DM me to avail it.

Just a notice, there may be a delay if you order commission as my account is currently compromised and is being restored by Roblox.

Iā€™m available to take commissions! DM me!

MystiqueArts is an excellent Hindi translator. He translated Flash Universe a few months back and has since been updating the translations each time I make an update. He works in a fast and effective manner and I would definitely recommend him to anyone wanting to get their game translated to Hindi!

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Iā€™m still available for hire! DM me for more information!

Updated portfolio with one more game!

Iā€™m available for commissions! Btw, I also got a profile in Rostats if you need any assurance!
Your RoStats Profile - RoStats

Mystique did an amazing job translating LundstrongOrders!
Thanks to them for bringing our FOSS (Free Open Source Software) to the Hindi community!