Hello! You can see my portfolio and contact information here, hope to hear from you soon
This seems promising and is going to be a great opportunity for me. Looking forward to helping as a builder.
My discord is Fear_Havoc#6123
Hello my discord is BossComic#5610
Contact me via discord at Pan#0012 , I am looking for the GFX artist role. Heres my portfolio.
Music composer. Discord: @mazmusic#2022
Hi im lordbasw, im a composer and i am very interested in this project
(discord: LordBasw#4819)
(portfolio: [OPEN] Lordbasw || Composer, producer and SFX designer)
Hello! I love the detail you put into the recruitment post. I’m interested in trial-3d modeler. Unfortunately, I don’t have much to show right now, but I do have high hopes, creativity, and determination. Please contact me through discord @RainbowStachio#2072. Hope to be able to work with you! I submitted the application sheet too. I didn’t put this in the application form, but I would also like to maybe try to make some rigs for mobs and maybe animate them. I have ok animation skills, and I’d like to try them out on full on rigs. Also, quick question, what is your timezone? Mine is EST. Oh and one more thing, I tried to click on the discord server on the doc, but it said it was expired.
Hey, I’m Em, and I am interested in becoming a Graphics Designer. DM me on discord if interested!
Portfolio - [ FOR HIRE ] QueenOfStyIe | Graphics Artist Portfolio
Discord - qt.emm !#4961
I’ve sent a request; Merc#9800
I sent you a request its pending:
Also, is there a starting point, like when the project officially starts? Or is it just when all the slots in the team is filled up. Also, could I ask for your timezone? Thanks

Hello! I 100% agree with your ideas on degrading roblox games. I would really like to help you for building. This game seems like a huge opportunity and I think will succeed. If you are looking for a builder (I don’t use blender unfortunately) then you can contact me on discord at: laughingeevees#8659.
My portfolio: https://hn1999rr.wixsite.com/laughingeeveesbuild
(I know that this may seem like a big step for me but I really want to help this game grow!)
I added you on Discord, I just have some questions going on.
Definitely recommend applying for this. Astral:Hearts is a super good game and DarkLizz knows a lot about game development.
I would apply but I only know how to script, sadly.
Hi can you please provide your Discord Id here or in DMs so I know which one is yours.
I have a lot of friend requests.
Hey! @DarkLizz im a graphics designer
Contact me on discord
To see more work dm on discord here is one of the hint
Quality 4k it is compressed sry for that
Hi i would like to apply for a sound designer and or secondary composer.
Here is my portfolio:
Contact me on Discord here.
Mine is NEZ#2371
I send you a FR.
I sent an app and would also like to talk to you on Discord. I noticed you already have a composer however I do multiple things.