(OPEN) Need a skilled programmer


I’m looking for a skilled programmer that are free for some weeks.
*I really need a really competent programmer and really motivate.
You will be paid with robux.
The payment will be 50% of the income generated by the game for 1 year. (Completely negotiable)

Why ?
Because I don’t know if the game will grow up and generate a lot of robux or if it will generate nothing. This is my first game so I try to give you what I can give you.
If the game start to grow up, I will ask you to continue working with me and to have a fixed salary of 30% of all the games you have worked on.


I am currently building a racing game named Race Away, the game consists of racing against other players with objects placed on the track (it looks like Mario Kart) and I need your help.
The game is far from over, almost all the scripts are missing but the construction (by me) is progressing well.
At the moment there are only two of us working on it:
@Matthieu95160 - Leader/Builder
@Ethanoo99Real - Programmer
@Empty - Programmer

The works that you will be asked for are:

  • A teleportation system between the different places of the game
  • A money system
  • Crates that can be open with cash
  • A system of obtainable blueprint for obtaining and improving cars
  • A garage that will show all the cars and their stats
  • A saving system
  • A racing system
  • Improvement of a car script already present in the game
  • And maybe a few other small jobs depending on the progress of the game

Future Features

  • A playground in the spawn area where players can try there cars (available in the garage)
  • Customizable cars
  • Able to select a specific race for vip server owners
  • (If the game have a community) Organize map building contests (it will do less work for me :innocent:)
  • Maybe the same thing than map building contest but for cars

About me

I live in France, (time zone: UTC + 2) this can lead to some communication problems if you are Americans.
This is the same problem for the other programmer with me

Here are some pictures of the game
This is where players will spawn, then, they have to go in the “Play” area and select a map to play with all players that are in the same “Play” area. (I have only the right side on the first picture to finish)

For applying or for more information about the game, You can contact me directly by replying to this post or with discord: Matt_0109#6204

Hello! My name is FriendlyBuilder24, I am a 2 year experienced scripter and would like to apply for this position.

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I would do it but its 50% for 1 year. Unless its changed to all time then no ty.

Hello, I will appreciate that you give me your pseudo on discord or send me a friend request on Roblox.

(edit : I’ve read some of your post @FriendlyBuilder24, and I will not let you in my game)

Well, in my post, I said that if the game grows and you want to continue working with me, I will give you 30% of the revenue from the game to all time.
The 50% for a year will never change during the year you will have work with me.

Alr add me on discord Cliffon#2633

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