[Closed] Hiring

No longer looking for a scripter.


How do you know you already have an audience for the type of game you’re making?

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I agree with @Kymaraaa. How are you going to ensure you will be able to pay the Scripter if you don’t know what the audience will be like? You could have a big turn out, but you could also have a small turnout and the game completely flop. I was just wondering if you have a plan for Scripter payment of the game does indeed fail?

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I know about the audience because a game with a similar concept with way fewer features released earlier this month getting 1.4 million visits already, also many games of this concept are very popular despite it being reruns of a same game with a few twists for example: Harvest Moon. I’m confident in the audience. However the payment will be negotiated and I do have some money for a downpayment, otherwise I plan on getting an investor before full release.

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This position is still open! But remember it is a long term game but you have a reliable and communicative team on hand!

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