Because I think people should be able to learn how a game works, I am open-sourcing my 2015 recreation!
It features nearly 100% accurate* UI recreations *there are a few inaccuracies but that is from the old hard coded interface and bugs that come with the fact this is a nearly 10 year old interface with code directly from the old roblox github
There are going to be some bugs as expected, so if you find an issue please let me know
Is there just a simple RBXL file you’re willing to provide? The github page is sorted in a way that’s sort of obnoxious to setup, and the game page itself is privated and copylocked.
ok, because I thought if you tried kicking someone it’d just disconnect the client from the server, I remember a bug where that would happen when CoreGUIs didn’t load
published the start of the rewrite for consistency with the 2012/2014 rewrites, now it doesnt use a client-server architecture its just a script in ReplicatedFirst with a lot of nested modules
will be the last old coregui thing i make as they take a ton of time just doing small changes to hundreds of lines of code
please tell me of any bugs you find so i can fix them