[Open Source] PropertyText

In that case you wouldn’t be able to make an instance to convert to script with this plugin

What occasion would that be? Like a special event/challenge or something else.

Exploit Guis come to mind I’ve seen many made for my game, also other things outside of Roblox, mainly when you can only send code somewhere to something and want to generate other things.

A more relatable example would be Saving and Loading players houses, they have to be sent to DataStore as a JSON string, but this Plugin can’t be used for that.

Serializing is done before hand, so you must be miss understanding something I’ve said

I know how I would do it, i just don"t have the resources to do it, let me know if you have a better api dump though :smile:

I formatted this dump a couple days ago and I didn’t get properties for newer things like viewport frames, the most recent addition was from 2018 with the addition of dock widgets. If I find out that this dump is live, I will make the plugin live, with the only requirement of HTTP enabled, so I could keep this as an offline mode if I wanted to

Although I wouldn’t want this plugin to be used for malicious purposes, sadly it is a way for the plugin being used, I have used the plugin for when I just needed to replicate a part constantly and when I needed to add a text button to scrolling frame or something like that. Fun fact, I used PropertyText v1 to make v2 hahaha

My apologies, his API dump is no longer live. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/deprecation-of-3rd-party-service-for-api-dumps/184964/

You might want to instead look into using this: Auto-updated API Dump / Reflection Metadata module

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Could you make a tutorial on this?

Mine had stopped being updated since logging in started requiring a captcha across the board


Yeah I’m looking into proxy’s to get this api dump because it’s the most recent one to my knowledge. Also I believe this is the one you used correct?

You could try fetching information such as ApiDump.json from github repositories like Clonetrooper1019’s client tracker (I’m not sure if there are any limitations from doing it so)

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Some reason this plugin causes my GPU to pretty much freeze up.

This appears to update when roblox updates: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CloneTrooper1019/Roblox-Client-Tracker/roblox/API-Dump.json

I think a useful feature to possibly include in a future version would be the choice to automatically minify the generated script. This would be useful when someone is trying to seralise a very large amount of instances at once.

For example, replacing this script:

local Item1 = Instance.new("Part")
Item1.Name = "Part"
Item1.Parent = game.Workspace

local Item2 = Instance.new("Part")
Item2.Name = "Part"
Item2.Parent = game.Workspace

with the following script:


which could still be generated fairly easily with an understanding of some methods of minification, reduces the size down to around 60% of the original script, which can still be decreased much further when more instances have been serialised.

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Are you sure it’s this plugin? Can you tell me your specs? At when does you GPU freeze up? (loading properties in the UI, clicking “Finish”, initial startup, etc.)

Looking into this type of formatting. Thank you for the suggestion!

After the plugin menu loads it doesn’t load any of the buttons, after a couple of seconds the whole screen freezes and then it flashes black and then comes back up and freezes again, eventually roblox will quit trying to render the 3d game and it will stop trying to render your plugin menu but none other.
My gpu is Intel I5-72000U intergrated graphics (dont judge my laptop XD)

What about if someone wants to edit the script afterwards? what i like to do when i make a gui and turn it into a script (with another tool) is script the gui after the script for the gui creation gets created.

This will be attempted to be fixed in the next update, thank you for the report!

There will be a bottom to toggle that type of formatting, hopefully I can get this out in the next update.

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UPDATE: PropertyText 2.1



  • Renamed export folder to “PropertyText Export Folder”. During beta, “Class to Script” was the original name of the plugin but was changed last minute before release.

  • Updated the property list to a more update to date API dump from CloneTrooper1019.

  • Added the option to rename “Item” in exported scripts.


  • Added waits in loops to reduce the risk of a crash.


  • Fixed “Plugin will open immediately after studio opens”

  • Fixed “If you click into the sky or make a selection thats nil the UI won’t update”

  • Fixed “Incorrect timestamp”

COMING IN 2.2 (so far):