I have open-sourced my horror game Midnight Hours. This game has brought me a lot of joy, and I sincerely hope it can offer the same you some of you.
Midnight Hours is a semi-sandbox, slightly original horror game. You must survive the night (avoiding a creepy monster, of course), unlocking different endings in the process.
This game began as a quick summer project - something to keep myself occupied. After advertising for a brief period, I considered the game dead, before a wonderful Tiktoker randomly posted about it. Sketch played the game (thanks again, Sketch), and the rest is history.
I am offering the entire game free to download, edit, and re-upload. Credit is not required, but highly appreciated (“credit to rezrift” in the game description).
Be foreworned, the code is a sloppy mess. I did not spend much time making the game (again, it was a quick challenge). As such, the code is largely not refactored (expect bugs. Not everything in the game runs smoothly. This is largely a demo game).
Please note, you will have to make a copy of both the lobby and multiplayer place files. Publish the lobby, then go Asset Manager > Places > Add place. Then override the added place with the multiplayer place. Make sure to change the place ids in the teleporting scripts.
I really enjoyed playing this game. Was wondering when it would get updated since it seemed like it could compete with Popular Horror games, however it seems that’s not gonna happen anytime soon now. Thanks for making it Open-Sourced nonetheless. ^-^
Thanks for being so kind and putting the game as a free resource!
Quick question though your game gets 200 cc players how come you decided to put the in opensource instead of working on it and increasing the playercount
From what I’ve gathered, this is a short project and isn’t quite structured in a way that allows updates without a sizable amount of refractoring and rewriting.
Generally, I have more ambitious and exciting projects I would like to work on. Midnight Hours was a quick side project - I never intended for it to occupy the majority of my time. It has a very steady playerbase, but my ideas and ambitions with it have ran out over the course of the last year.
For that reason, I decided I might as well donate it to the community. The game isn’t profiting me tremendously, so hopefully can benefit someone else more.