Opening a script in a side-by-side layout causes other script to be squashed to the side

  1. Studio configuration: Explorer and Properties docked on the furthest left side (full screen height, excluding top bar), Script analysis docked at the bottom to the left of Output which is also docked at the bottom
  2. Create 3 scripts (close one of them)
  3. Move one of the scripts to the right side, so the scripts are in a side by side configuration
  4. Adjust the width of the scripts by moving the center grabber between the two scripts
  5. Open the 3rd script, it will squash the script on the left side

Expected behavior

Width of the scripts should retain the same width after adding a script.

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Could you please provide a video or some screenshots?

Hi there. This has been reported before and we are tracking it here:

When opening scripts in split screen, it resizes your editors - Bug Reports / Studio Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox