[OPEN][R$] Roblox Studio Team

We’re looking for Low-Poly Builders, UI Designers, GFX Creators and 3d designers.

We are a serious studio team looking for great nice and active developers. If you would like to know about the game more I’d like to contact you on discord.

How You Could Help Us!

What we’re currently looking for is people that have a good experience in roblox not only developing. As we also are looking for a good experience in developing to.

About Us

Hey! We’re A Perfectly Legitimate Business(Group Name) and we need your help to make our games become what we want them to become!

The Team
@ThisCouldBeYou - Builder
@Czsso / me - Scripter
@ThisCouldBeYou - UI
@ThisCouldBeYou - Gfx
@ThisCouldBeYou - 3d designer

About The Job

We’re more preferably looking for people with mic’s also people that are active and are willing to put effort in. Also, people that are good at there job.


We are planing on paying in commission if the game flops last resort will be me paying you out personally. Depending on how well I thought you did. Otherwise, the normal commission rate would be
Builder - 20%
UI - 15%
GFX - 7%
Scripter - 25%
3D Modeler - 13%
Builder - 20%

Contact Us

If the game flops/doesn’t do well you receive a minimum payment based off of your work.
You can find me on discord Qanzi#8587.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for checking this out :blush:



What is your game about? Mind telling?


If you would like to know about the game more I’d like to contact you on discord.

I’m interested in working as GFX, I’ll send you a request from thatgirlagain#5385

@Czsso I can help in your game as builder.

Please DM me @Clxzed#8551

This is for a separate game. Same Style.

Why has your logo got watermarks lol?


interested in making ui
here is my portfolio

I’ll contact you now. Interested in GFX.

Lol place it, for a second I thought it was theirs and I was gonna correct you

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