please add wedges to the borders so balls roll to the center, they get stuck in the corners
I have made some wedges at the corners of the maps, they seem tiny but there are invisible wedges that are bigger so the Orbiez will not get stuck at the corner of the map
This game was really cute and chill to play. I wish there were a competitive scoreboard and a leaderboard to give players a reason to keep playing. I noticed that the small orbiez are hard to push around because of how light and fast they are, making it difficult to keep up with them compared to the bigger orbiez. I would suggest changing the custom physical properties for the small orbiez to make them heavier, enabling players to keep up with them more easily. Alternatively, you could add a feature where players can pick up the lighter orbiez and either roll or drop them for better playability and unique gameplay.
Overall, I like it so far.
I need to put this on the description but there is running in the game by pressing Control, it would help more but i could try and find a solution for that, and i would add a leaderboard if i knew how to work with remote events and values, Help on RemoteEvents and Values - #22 by samael1143
Suggestion Contest for the 24th Orbie!
Maybe you could find a way to prevent the player from climbing on the balls? i just tried to play and I had to shift lock sideways into the balls to move them
I dont think there is much i can do other than resize the Orbiez but they’r later variants get bigger and bigger so that wont be a problem when you get out of the early game
New update: Added a quick Tweening Animation when merged, 25 variants are in the game!
its a good game but its just boring and lacking a reason for me to ever come back and play again, add something that can keep players coming back, maybe the player can use their top ball to race other players ? or the player gets coins or xp for each ball merged, increasing amount of coin or xp depending how hard the ball was to merge, and with those coins the player can buy in game items like accesories for their balls or something
just an idea
I would make stats so the player could upgrade walkspeed, spawning etc… But i cant since i dont know how to exactly make it. Help on RemoteEvents and Values - #22 by samael1143