Optimized Interactive Grass Plugin

V1.9 Release Notes :bulb:

Upcoming Features :eye:

  • Grass Model Option: An option to turn a model into grass, creating a hitbox that includes everything within the model, tagging the hitbox appropriately.
  • Modernistic UI Overhaul: A complete redesign of the user interface with a modern look.

Changes to Testing Place :hammer_and_pick:

All assets in the new foliage scenes are available for free on the toolbox, most of the stylized assets are from this free pack: Stylized Nature MegaKit :exclamation:
  • Conveyor Belts: Due to there being so many scenes, there are now conveyor belts to easily navigate around all the different spots

It’s too cartoony for my liking and also it doesn’t work for me.


doesn’t work for me neither :frowning:

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I get that the style might feel too cartoony for you. If the plugin isn’t working. I’ve just released an update to fix the issue, try updating it, then, go to StarterPlayerScripts > GrassPhysicsClient, delete it, and click the update button in the plugin menu. Also, please remember that there are many options to configure your grass to your liking, the main one you should change if youd prefer something less cartoony would be this:

Tween = {
		Duration = 1.6,  -- Duration of animation tweens in seconds
		EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,  -- Easing style for animation tweens
		EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,  -- Easing direction for animation tweens
		TweenName = "pivotTween"  -- Name for the tween instance

You could change the easing style to something not elastic to remove that bouncy effect, or maybe make the duration slower and make the easingstyle exponential.

This is the result I get from making the duration 1.4 and the easing style exponential, which is less cartoony than the default settings in my opinion.

Hey, I’ve just released an update to fix the issue, try updating the plugin, then, go to StarterPlayerScripts > GrassPhysicsClient, delete it, and click the update button in the plugin menu.

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New config option:

	Tween = {
		Duration = 2,  -- Default duration of animation tweens in seconds
		EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic,  -- Default easing style for animation tweens
		EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out,  -- Default easing direction for animation tweens
		TweenName = "pivotTween",  -- Default name for the tween instance

		-- Object-specific tween settings
		ObjectTweens = {
			["ExampleObject"] = {
				Duration = 1.4,
				EasingStyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential,
				EasingDirection = Enum.EasingDirection.Out

You can now set different easing styles and durations for each type of foliage. By default, all foliage use the standard settings, but you can customize these settings for specific objects by adding their names to the object tween table.


thats weird the link seems to work for me maybe try this link or refresh or try it on your phone/different device to see if its a issue on your device?

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Hmm. It works in incognito but not my normal one… Odd

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@varuniemcfruity before I buy this… When a car drives over this grass, will the grass move according to the direction of the car? If so could I see a vid?