What do you want to achieve? I have an arrow system where multiple arrows are spawed in and move toward the player in a matter of 10 seconds. The arrow moves toward the player fine, but I want the top face of the arrow to face the player.
What is the issue? This code only moves the arrow toward the player, but doesn’t change the orientation to face the player
What solutions have you tried so far? I looked on YT and other devforum posts. The only thing I can find is orienting other faces using CFrame.lookAt() and using CFrame.Angles, which I’m not sure how I could implement into this script. (I tried)
function tweenToMovingPart(movePart, targetPart, duration)
local startCFrame = movePart.CFrame
local startTime = os.clock()
local connection = nil
connection = game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:Connect(function()
local t = math.clamp((os.clock()-startTime)/duration, 0 ,1)
if movePart and movePart.Parent and targetPart and targetPart.Parent then
movePart.CFrame = startCFrame:Lerp(targetPart.CFrame, t)
if t == 1 then
connection = nil
I think I might have worded it weirdly. CFrame.lookAt() did change the orientation, but it changed the front face toward the player. I am looking to change the top face to look at the player.
Keep in mind that this code won’t work very well if both of the objects are in the same position. A better way to do this would be to use the code from the following post:
I don’t know what it means, but you can the function just how you use CFrame.lookAt(). Like this:
local UNIT_X = Vector3.new(1, 0, 0)
local UNIT_Y = Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)
local UNIT_Z = Vector3.new(0, 0, 1)
local IDENTITYCF = CFrame.new()
local function lookAt(eye, target, normalId)
local cf = IDENTITYCF
local forward = target - eye
-- technically returns 0, 1, 0, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN
if (forward:Dot(forward) == 0) then
return IDENTITYCF + eye
-- calculate needed rotation for adjusting face
if (normalId and normalId ~= Enum.NormalId.Front) then
local face = Vector3.FromNormalId(normalId)
local axis = math.abs(face.z) >= 1 and UNIT_Y or UNIT_Z:Cross(face)
local theta = math.acos(-face.z)
cf = CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, theta)
-- return the CFrame
forward = forward.Unit
if (math.abs(forward.y) >= 0.9999) then
return CFrame.fromMatrix(eye, -math.sign(forward.y) * UNIT_Z, UNIT_X) * cf
local right = forward:Cross(UNIT_Y).Unit
local up = right:Cross(forward).Unit
return CFrame.fromMatrix(eye, right, up) * cf
workspace.Part1.CFrame = lookAt(workspace.Part1.Position, workspace.Part2.Position)