Outfit Shopping with the Bulk Purchase API

Everybody these days customizes their avatars inside of games like “Catalog Avatar Creator”, and instead of manually equipping everything you just bought, the games use the Catalog API to wear said outfits, which unfortunately limits how much you can actually wear causing you to have to manually equip some layered clothing, or accessories, which is why I’d really like the cap to be removed.


Really interresting feature I can add it to my outfit game but would you mind creating a “bulk” feature to update correctly a Roblox avatar by removing the limit of 1 type of accessory (except 3 for hat)
This would be really useful to use for those who make multiple purchases and for example want to update their avatar with several back accessories

This is such a cool update, unfortunately, I most likely won’t need to use it due to the current inflation :confused: (but I can see it being used in avatar catalog)

But anyways is there any chance we will get one for dev products any time soon?


It would help alot of people If the Bulk purchase works for gamepasses and developer products too :D.

Good job so far!

Is there a chance for us to let us know If there are Plans for improving the Bulk purchase?:eyes::pleading_face:


This is very cool! Will this be available for gamepasses and products too? It would be so much easier to make a cart system! :smiley:


This feature was great until Roblox announces we’ll be able to sell our own outfits in the marketplace.
Why Roblox doesnt let us just using this API.

That feature has nothing to do with how this API can be used. This API is for purchasing avatar assets in bulk from in-experience. The feature you’re talking about is sharing avatars on the app/web with other users to view purchase. They’re totally different.

Sharing avatars may consist to purchase in bulk too, we will see in the future.
I’m sure it’s related.

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Could you elaborate as to why this is limited to Avatar/Bundle assets only. A type check on the InfoType/MarketProductType would make it easy to determine which functions are required for the asset.

I have a feeling it may be related to …Finished events. I understand why DevProducts would need to be treated differently but Gamepasses are similar to Avatar assets in terms of ownership.

I look forward to seeing this (possibly) being implemented for other asset types in the future as I feel it would benefit a lot more games.

It’s not something that can’t or won’t happen. The initial focus was on this core use case. I fully expect further work to go into this, but can’t speak to any plans or timelines.

For some extra context, behind the scenes there’s lots of nuance in how all of these systems fit together, and at massive scale, so sometimes things that logically group together or functionality that seems simple can require whole new, novel implementations in order to support various product types.
Those systems are always being worked on and improved so that that things that could be simple don’t continue to be complex, but it can take time.

Apologies for having to be so vague, but to reiterate, there’s been no decision to never include other types.

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Thank you for elaborating. The reason I inquired further was because I was wondering why more types weren’t added initially.

On a related note, I’d suggest changing the format of (lineItems: Array) from:

  Type: MarketplaceProductType,
  Id: string


  Type = {number}, 

I think this could improve performance slightly, even though I know maps aren’t typically used for cases like this. It may be too late for such changes, however I thought it would be worth bringing up anyway.