Output & Find All Windows seem to be 0 pixels tall

ALSO, the bottom scrolling bar is removed, you cannot scroll left / right in scripts that got long lines

Noticed this just now. I entered play solo and my output window has become completely collapsed. Unfortunately this requires me to break my workflow and restart studio to get back to work. Can whatever was changed be reverted?

In this video you can see there is 3px of moveable frame when my output is enabled. I then re-enable the output and it still is happening.

@CravedBloxy @Tomtom4500 @desinied @Maelstorm_1973 @jufdnhf @isPauI @anexpia @Z19th @JuniorMikezz @Usering

Yeah this looks like a new issue so thanks for raising it up. We have not released any changes or fixes to docking so it is likely related to specifically something with the Script tabs. This is easily reproducible and we are investigating with the Scripting team now.


We found the issue was introduced with a Multi Cursor scrolling fix. This has been temporarily disabled to resolve the 0 pixel height problem. Iā€™m not 100% when the flag will get fully turned off but it should be today.


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