Overhead GUI - The color of textlabel doesn't change

Yes, but it is good practice (and sometimes works) to define the Already-Cloned instance as a different variable.

i gtg get my bloodwork done. I’ll be inactive for a bit. Sorry lol

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Yeah, kind of. It isn’t really a script made by me, my client is using this script.

After doing changes that Discgolftaco231 said, now it only shows up something like “Text”. I guess, I’ll just remove this stupid script and make my own since I strongly believe that this script itself is just a pile of useless code.

Wait, hold on…


There is no such color as “Bright Green”, only “Bright green”, if RNG failed you that might be the problem, since you’re in the team color “Bright green” but in this code, the if statement thinks your trying to find “Bright Green”, but the color is actually named “Bright green” it wouldn’t then change the color of the text label 3 since it thinks that’s still not the color it’s trying to find, same goes for “Really Black” since it’s supposed to be “Really black”, too.


After doing the changes that you mentioned, it still seems to be not working. I guess I’ll just remove this script and code my own. I strongly believe that this script is just programmed awfully. Thanks to everyone who helped me, I learned a lot.

Okay, good luck reprogramming it.

Also, you should use Color3.fromRGB(), it’s a lot simpler and easier.

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