Padding on UIListLayout paired with ScrollingFrame changes as the device gets smaller?

oh thats weird, ive did this before but the diff is i used the plugin its rlly not much diff



Even when using the plugin, parts get cut off.

hmm is the plugin miss working?

First of all, it is not working properly.

Also, please check your spelling and grammar.

right thanks! :smiley: :smiley:

im sorry to tell this, but uh i cant help further im rlly bad with ui designs u can prob tell already so ye, try waiting tommorow and hopefully for more replies, from advanced people that specializes these things!
again ive tried my best! so again so deeply sorry :frowning:

The padding is applied to the canvas, so you will not see the padding at the top or bottom unless you are scrolled all the way to the top or bottom.

You can workaround this by putting the ScrollingFrame inside a normal Frame, and applying the padding to the Frame instead.

That’ll preserve the padding regardless of scroll position, but your scroll bar will be offset from the edge as a result.

In regards to your OP, the reason the padding changes is because you’re using scale instead of offset. Ideally, padding would not change depending on screen size.