Paid access games cannot be advertised

In short, you cannot run roblox advertisements on paid access games.

Go in and create and ad. and no paid access games will be available to select from.

Expected behavior

I expect to be able to advertise paid access games like any other type of game.
Yeah it won’t likely perform well. but how else am I supposed to get new users?


This is intentional given the ad system is based on visits.

Essentially this would be a free money glitch because you could bid so that you’d make more money from the game purchase than the money you spent for the ad.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll investigate.

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We currently do not support advertising for paid experiences, thank you for the feedback, we will consider this for future updates


Understandable, have a good day

UPDATE: This is a thing now!
Advertising paid access & restricted (17+) experiences - Updates / Announcements - Developer Forum | Roblox

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