Part floats towars player

That’s strange it works for me where is the part in your game?

its in workspace at the postion “0.38, 2.9, -16.18”

Move it further away, it’s is tweening but you can’t see the change because it’s already in front of the player

I moved it to “0.38, 2.9, -91.78” and its still not working

Can I see the property’s of the part?

Ok that seems ok, but is it anchored?

yes it is anchored and it still does not work

It might be issues with your surroundings, is it a blank baseplate or a filled map?

blank baseplate, but it also need to work with a filled map

Oh it actually was moving to one position put a Task.wait(3) before you make the character variable, but for the not moving problem it’s hard to figure out what might be causing that, where does the character spawn when they join?

there is an error when i add task.wait(3)

It is a capital T for that one

even if i put a capital it still is an error

Can I see the script for that?

the character spawns at “0, 0.5, 0”

never mind i put it in the wrong script

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Still do not understand why its not working

I don’t understand why it’s not working this works for me

   local character = player.Character or  player.CharacterAdded:Wait() 
   local part = script.Parent 
   local tweenService =   game:GetService("TweenService") 
   local tweenToPositon =  character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *,0,-2) 
   local tween = tweenService:Create(part,, {CFrame = tweenToPositon}) 

it started working but i want the part to follow the player and have the part go towards the player when they are within 9 studs of the player