It is all server sided for now. I haven’t started any client sided scripting. Just prototyping at the moment.
It is not connected to the wall. Sorry for the bad angle in the video. I did check for that issue though.
Is it anchored ???
The red part is no longer anchored. But, It simply destroys itself instantly. I mean that literally. It leaves the workspace as soon as the script runs. I did play with the vectors and set everything to small numbers. Still, it just gets deleted from the game.
Show me your code actually this will help me alot
do this it will help me alot since idk your code
So delete the for i=1,10 do loop
and add the v.MaxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
also show me what is inside of the part if there is anything also do v.Velocity = hitter.CFrame.LookVector * 10
if you do 1 it only moves 1 stud
Also I forgot make sure to comment or delete all of the for i loops
Okay here we are. It doesn’t matter if we use math.huge, or small integers, the part will destroy itself:
That’s weird this has never happened to me can you tell me the script type and whats in it (just use image for everything in the part)
I don’t know I have never had this happened sorry I couldn’t help
Here is a video showing the result we get so far:
And thank you for trying to help me.
you could use body velocity so when the block touches the ball
it would create a body velocity that would propel the block to the direction you want