Bullet kept falling down and doesn't point to mouse

mouse.Hit IS a CFrame. We just take the position out using mouse.Hit.Position.

meaning the position is the same as the cframe itself.

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Ah right, that is probably causing your issue in CFrame.new(MuzzlePos, MousePos) if MousePos is already a CFrame it will errror out. I do not get the problem here as I have been able to replicate the script with no issues.

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i use mouse.hit.position, not mouse.hit

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Can you clarify what the exact issue is? It seems to be working fine.

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it’s in the title


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And I have been saying that it works fine for me, it does not fall. I copied and replicated your script like this:

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, pos)
	local bullet = Instance.new("Part")
	bullet.Name = "Bullet"
	bullet.CanCollide = false
	bullet.Anchored = false
	bullet.Massless = true
	bullet.Size = Vector3.new(0.1, 0.1, 1) --Vector3.new(0.02, 0.02, 0.045)
	bullet.CFrame = pos
	bullet.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
	bullet.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Cool yellow")
	bullet.Parent = workspace
	print("Step 1 done.")
	print("Step 2 done.")

	--bullet.AssemblyLinearVelocity = (bullet.CFrame.LookVector * 100)
	local bodyVelo = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
	bodyVelo.MaxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
	bodyVelo.Velocity = (-bullet.CFrame.LookVector * 100)
	bodyVelo.Parent = bullet

	local bodyForce = Instance.new("BodyForce")
	bodyForce.Force = Vector3.new(0, workspace.Gravity * 1)


Something from the rest of the script… maybe?

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the event is true, but there’s no point of setting multiplied to 1 since 1 is the original

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Right, but that is not the problem you are facing. Is it fixed now?

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Can you please add debugging with print() statements so you can identify the problem.

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It’s literally there. In the script

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I meant the variables, printing out Step1 and Step2 doesnt change anything if the CFrame is invalid / wrong, either way you should print out the mousepos to see if you are getting it how you want.

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i already did the printing ads ads ads

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Then what seems to be the problem? Just send the mouse hit cframe to the server and apply lookVector to it

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I fixed it by replacing the mouse.Hit.Position with this

function getWorldMousePosition()
	local mousePosition = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
	local screenToWorldRay = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(mousePosition.X, mousePosition.Y, 1000)
	local dirVector = screenToWorldRay.Direction * 1000
	local rayResult = workspace:Raycast(screenToWorldRay.Origin, dirVector, RaycastParams.new())
	if rayResult then
		return rayResult.Position
		return screenToWorldRay.Origin + dirVector

It was the mouse position afterall. Told ya

Where I found the script: