Part to orbit around player?

How would I be able to make a LocalScript make a part orbit around the players character and for other players to be able to see it too?

I have a remote that inserts the part into the game and places it into the players character.


I feel like the best way to do it is:

  • create the part (OrbitPart) on the server and parent it to the character :white_check_mark:
  • set the network owner of OrbitPart to the player server-side
  • anchor OrbitPart client-side

After that, you would change the OrbitPart’s CFrame every render step:

-- in StarterCharacterScripts
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local character = script.Parent
    local HRP = character.HumanoidRootPart
    local orbitPart = character:WaitForChild("OrbitPart")

orbitPart.Anchored = true

local DISTANCE = 10

local i = 0
    i = (i + dt/CYCLE_DURATION) % 1
    local alpha = 2 * math.pi * i

    orbitPart.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, alpha, 0)
        *, 0, DISTANCE)
        + HRP.Position

The only issue I could see with this is an exploiter being able to manipulate the orbiting part since it’s client-owned, you can just make it CanCollide = false server-side.

The main reason I would do it this way and not with something like welds is because I don’t want the rotation to be relative to the character’s rotation, otherwise it would look too snappy. However, if you do want the rotation to be relative, you can replace the orbitPart.CFrame = ... part with this:

    orbitPart.CFrame = HRP.CFrame
        * CFrame.Angles(0, alpha, 0)
        *, 0, DISTANCE)

If i wanted to make it so every time a player clicks e while a tool is equipped how would i add that to the orbit script? like so a new part starts orbitting when player clicks e during tool equip?