Part Touched event not triggered while tweening

I find that I would like my tweened parts to perform some action when touched, for example, I would like a twened part to stop tweening when it touches something.

Why do you want the part to interact with the baseplate if you said you wanted the part to travel through the baseplate and back infinitely?

Try Tweening CFrame instead of Vector3

I have not stated that I want the part to tween through the baseplate and back indefinitely; I have only done this to set up a clear demo of what is happening. Anyway this does not matter, what matters is that if I wanted to take some action e.g. play a new tween or stop the old tween when the baseplate is detected, this is not possible without taking some really awkward steps outlined in previous posts.

I don’t see any difference using CFrame.

You could use raycasting. This is probably the only answer to this problem since its not physics based. You could also use Region3 to detect whether or not the part is still within the baseplate using a raycast activated loop. And if the detection loop returns false, you can just break it, stopping it until the raycast fires the checking loop again.

Since no solution apart from hacking around seems possible, what do you guys think about adapting this into a feature request?

I think if you want this to be adapted into a feature request, you should follow the post approval guidelines and make a thread for that yourself.


There’s a sorta a hacky way to do this, if you used the stepped function in RunService, you could probably just check whether the block is touching the Baseplate using the :GetTouchingParts function.

This would probably be very laggy though.

yeah… I will implement this and see how much it will actually lag. I just wish we didn’t have to bend over so much for this requirement.

Unanchor and set velocity to 0,0,0 every frame when moving


What feature would you ask for though? Non-physics parts that are overlapping can be found by GetTouchingParts and physics parts that begin touching can be found by the Touched event.

Your part is not moving as far as Roblox physics is concerned. It’s very much an edge-case where you have a part that you are pretending is moving and want to act like it is for some things but not for others.

I am interested in dealing with such intersections via an event and if possible in a fashion as clean as using the Touched event.
I have just posted a feature request now and I have asked for some parameter to configure such detections or a new event to capture this currently uncaptured behaviour, thus not resorting to having to call GetTouchingParts() or ray casting as the programmer, but instead relying on the event.

The best way currently is probably to connect the position changed event and check GetTouchingParts when it fires. I’d do something like this if it was me:

local currentlyTouchingParts = {}

YourPart:GetPropertyChangedSignal( 'Position' ):Connect( function ()
    processTouch( YourPart:GetTouchingParts() )
end )

function processTouch( parts )
    -- do stuff with the parts here
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You have quite a wide variety of options. All of these would work:

  • Using Region3s to detect parts
  • Using ray casting to detect parts
  • Using :GetTouchingParts() to detect parts

All of these options except Get Touching Parts have whitelists and blacklists you can add.

A feature request is really not needed; This functionality already exists.

That’s the most complete solution presented yet. I really appreciate that you have presented it in such detail.

Still if we could have a Touched event or similar event, it would be even more natural hence my feature request.

Considering that the post specifically asks to use the Touched event, marked in bold, how is this remotely close to an answer? It is a hack. The functionality is clearly not present.


The Touched method is meant for situations where at least one part is unanchored. This is not a “hack” just because you insist on using a method meant for a different purpose. The .Touched event is used for situations with at least 1 unanchored part. For situations with anchored parts, you have to use the methods above. Making it work with .Touched would be even more hacky.

If you want to submit a feature request to add given functionality, go ahead. They will give you the same answer.

If you want to use a hacky way to fire the .Event, unanchor the part and continually set the position.

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Exactly, so I am asking for a solution to have an event which detects two anchored parts which touch. It doesn’t have to be the Touched event, it could be under a different name. I do not want to periodically check for touching myself - that is a hack.

The feature request has already been submitted.


Best of luck with your feature request.

For the mean time, you could unanchor the part and use a tween on it and continually set the cframe.