I have figured out making the trail but I still need help since It does not connect properly.
you can do a loop here too just get the position of the red cube and the last position of the red cube and solve the orientation/rotate needed to it…
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Here is the script:
local function CFramePointRightSide(Pos1 ,Pos2)
local directionToFace = (Pos1 - Pos2).unit
local worldUp = Vector3.new(0,1,0)
local zAxisFace = directionToFace:Cross(worldUp)
local yAxisFace = directionToFace:Cross(zAxisFace)
return CFrame.fromMatrix(Pos1, directionToFace, yAxisFace, -zAxisFace)
model = Instance.new("Folder")
model.Name = "Omega Points"
model.Parent = workspace
local mathHuge = math.huge
local function makePoints(oldPos, newPos)
local Connect = Instance.new("Part", model)
Connect.Anchored = true
Connect.CanCollide = false
Connect.Name = ("Connect")
Connect.Shape = Enum.PartType.Cylinder
Connect.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
Connect.Color = Color3.fromRGB(218, 0, 5)
local Distance = (oldPos - newPos).Magnitude
Connect.Size = Vector3.new(Distance,0.3,0.3) -- count_Parts[i + 1] count_Parts[i + 1])
Connect.CFrame = CFramePointRightSide((oldPos + newPos)/2 , newPos) -- * CFrame.new(0,0,-Distance/2)
local SegmentVerts = {}
while wait(0.1) do
part.Position = part.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(-4, 4), math.random(-3,3), math.random(0,0))
for i = 1, 6 do
SegmentVerts[i] = part.Position
if #SegmentVerts > 1 then
if SegmentVerts[i + 1] ~= nil then
--JoinVerts(SegmentVerts[i] , SegmentVerts[i + 1])
--JoinVerts((SegmentVerts[i] + SegmentVerts[i + 1])/2, SegmentVerts[i + 1])
makePoints(SegmentVerts[i], SegmentVerts[i + 1])
I do not see a problem I have another script it works but it does not stay on it’s old position.
Figured everything out but it is too laggy how do I fix the lag? I will show the script later: