Hello Devforums!
So, I want to make a part that increases the number that is on it every time it is clicked.
But, I don’t know how
Any answers are helpful!
Do you mean once a part has been clicked a value / number will increase by 1?
If yes, add a ClickDetector to the specific part and a IntValue or NumberValue.
Name the Value however you want.
Add a script into the specific part and type following:
local NumberValue = script.Parent.NameOfTheValue --Change "NameOfTheValue" to the name of the value.
NumberValue.Value = NumberValue.Value +1
Put this in a script inside of the part
local IncreaseSize = 1 -- how much you want it to increase each time
local detector = Instance.new('ClickDetector') -- So it can detect clicks on the part
detector.Parent = script.Parent
detector.Clicked:Connect(function() -- when its clicked it will fire this function
script.Parent.Size += Vector3.new(IncreaseSize, IncreaseSize, IncreaseSize) -- Increases the size of the part
I’m sorry but I don’t think they want to increase part size, correct me if I’m wrong
I am pretty sure you are talking about a text label going up.
local number = 1
local detector = where the click detector is
local textlabel = where the text label is
detector.Parent = script.Parent
number = number + 1
textlabel.Text = number
Also, remember to search before posting and learn the basics of scripting instead of asking for help on a script that you have not started.
wouldn’t this work better like this
textlabel += number
mine would only add 1 every time, yours makes it equal to 2 every time
Just editted my post so it works. I was not setting the variable to +1.
either way my line is less code lmao
local gui = Instance.new("SurfaceGui")
gui.Parent = script.Parent -- script.Parent would be the part
local textlabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
textlabel.Parent = gui
textlabel.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
local clickdetector = Instance.new("ClickDetector")
clickdetector.Parent = script.Parent
local num = 0
textlabel.Text = num
num = num + 1
textlabel.Text = num
like I said earlier it’s much better if you just do
textlabel.Text += num
there’s literally no difference, saving a few characters does literally nothing
actually there is a huge difference to this
let’s say the text is 5 but num is equal to 9
suddenly the next time you click it goes from 5 to 10 instantly, this makes it so you can’t change the text at all
also my line was wrong, you can’t add a string and a number like that
textlabel.Text = tostring(tonumber(textlabel.Text) + num)
with that line of code you can change the text whenever you want and that makes it more reliable
So basically no difference at all
didn’t I just explain how much worse the other method is…