Particles doubling when framerate is changed

I’m working on this project, basically like the OG Star glitcher scripts.
And I’m having trouble with the effects.
Whenever I change the framerate limit, the effects seem to double.
It’s ran inside a while true do loop on the client with task.wait().
Here’s an example on what it does: Watch 2024-06-22 22-42-36 | Streamable

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Have you applied deltatime in anyway throughout your script(s)?

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Read this article for insight on why this is happening Introducing the Maximum Framerate settings. You are most likely using a RunService event (RenderStepped, Heartbeat, etc.) and not utilizing DeltaTime to account for different frame rates.

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I’ve used deltatime for the animations that use :Lerp(). But I don’t know how to apply it to the effects

Is it possible to send the script(s) that you think/know are causing the issue alongside any details I may need whilst reviewing them?

The actual heartbeat part looks like this:
local Distance = GetDistanceFromCamera(RootPart.Position)
local dt = RunService.Heartbeat:Wait(Distance / 2)

And the actual effect parts looks like this:
if EffectsEnabled == true then
for _, v in pr(CurrentEffectTable) do
And it’s all ran inside a while true loop.
I’ve also noticed that the same thing happens with the color flashing too. It’ll double in speed.

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