Particles Emitted From Accessories Render Incorrectly On Thumbnails

It’s time to fix this issue already Roblox! Particle emitting accessories displayed on their respective accessory and player profile thumbnails have been broken since around July of 2022 I do believe? Particles displayed in all thumbnails used to properly show their colors with no issue. Now they appear to be grey and or washed out for the most part unless a particle appears in front of the avatar in the thumbnail. Examples will be shown below.

An avatar wearing a particle accessory pre-2022:


An avatar wearing a particle accessory post-2022:


Particle emitting item pre-2022:

original fiery

Particle emitting item post-2022:

broken fiery

I’ve went ahead and posted this under profile bugs as it mostly takes away from player customization. But this issue persists outside of profiles elsewhere on the site too! I really hope to see this fixed soon since lots of particle emitter accessories are really expensive, and I’m sure owners of them would like to enjoy seeing these expensive accessories properly displayed on their profiles.

(NOTE: Accessories emitting particles themselves aren’t broken, it appears that this is a thumbnail rendering issue on-site only. Also, they work fine in-game.)


I’d like to add onto this by saying that this is also seen on any items that hold a transparency level, assumedly for the same reason.





I was considering making another post about this as well but this is a very similar issue, so it being here makes sense. It’s very odd that thumbnail renders for special effect items have gone on this long in such a buggy state.


Such a needed fix! Many items on the catalog look horrendously you’ve shown its super bad on The Ice Skull of Nevermoor - Roblox which isn’t listed here either.

For them to be trying to push creativity in avatars so hard it’s very sad to see that transparent and particle items have fallen into quite the despair and hopefully this is fixed soon


The reason why all of the items facing this problem aren’t each listed here individually is because this is a global problem across all particle effect and transparent items. Listing every single special effect item would just be a headache. Especially when this isn’t exactly a problem with these items themselves, it’s seemingly an issue with the way Roblox renders their thumbnails now. Thankfully, they all appear to work as intended in-game, but them being displayed in this current state on-site does take away form their novelty I’d say.


I have a dedicated thread for that issue here if you wanted to raise concerns to the staff that responded there:


i hope this gets fixed one day

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Can also confirm this issue on my end. Wearing any gear / accessories with particles in it causes the particles to lack color if transparent.

This is how Crescendo and Amethyst Periastron Kappa should appear on the website:

This is how they currently appear:
