Particles in viewport frames?

I constantly see games like pet simulator and bubble gum simulator use what I assume to be viewport frames for egg openings but they also have a particle effect which is not possible inside a viewport frame so what are they using for the particle effect?


They use image labels and tween them.


I’m pretty sure they just teleport an egg infront of your camera client side whenever the camera is moved, with this you need the particle emitter locked to the part.

Something that proves this theory is that the egg collides with objects in-game.

It’s either of the above methods, or they have a scene setup and just set the Camera’s CFrame to look at the scene while an animation plays locally.

I haven’t seen the particles but I’d assume they’re just making their own particles with the use of image labels and so on.
If you been on ROBLOX long enough, you may notice that the best way to do snow was to use a gui to keep client memory as low as possible:
This has been done with TweenPosition using linear easing style but there’s more ways you can get around.

There may or may not be a Gui module which would be good for you to handle when making particles- but it wouldn’t hurt to do it for yourself.

What you’ll need to know

  • TweenService

Yes, that’s all you need to know, and obviously scripting knowledge

There’s different easing styles you can choose from:

Using this plugin will give you more flexibility to make your particles how you want them to, for when you want to make use of confetti effects. Here’s more information about the plugin: TweenSequence Editor Description

There are alternatives. One of which you can just change the Camera’s subject locally to where you can enable the particles but this isn’t always useful in a practical basis- it would be better to develop these effects in the Gui so you still have the freedom to do what you want/need to do with the Camera.
Second alternative is that you can use a load of math to replicate the animation but it’s probably an option you’d want to stay away from if you’re not exactly experienced with scripting.


Thankyou for the reply i think i understand now :slight_smile:

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Neither of them use ViewportFrames. They CFrame the egg in front of your camera and add ParticleEmitters to the part like you’d expect would happen.

Source: A developer for Bubble Gum Simulator responded to a thread about their egg display system and how they CFrame objects in front of the camera.


Thankyou for the reply, I didnt realize someone from bubble gum simulator already had a post on this.