Part.Touched dedect only NPC isntead player (SOLVED)


I’ve done some testing and I’ve gotten it to work.
It detects both the player and the NPC.

Here’s a video with the server’s point of view:

Here is the code (it’s a script placed inside of a part):

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local NPC = workspace:WaitForChild("NPC")

	local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid then return end
	print("Humanoid found! It's health is", humanoid.Health)

-- Ignore run service, it's just used here to move the NPC to the part

The script is a little different but using humanoid.Health = 0 would work in this case as it’s detecting the health.

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If you want to detect only the NPC and not any players, try this:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local NPC = workspace:WaitForChild("NPC")

	local isPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid or isPlayer then return end
	print("Humanoid found! Health is", humanoid.Health)

-- Ignore run service, it's just used here to move the NPC to the part

So i ignored others and used this only:

But it won’t print again.

local NPC = workspace.VS:WaitForChild("NPC")

	local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid then return end

	print("Humanoid found! It's health is", humanoid.Health)

Weird. Try this:

--local NPC = workspace.VS:WaitForChild("NPC")


If nothing shows up, it isn’t detecting anything.
This just prints anything the part touches.

Also, check if the part has the CanTouch property enabled.

i tried it too, it did not work, here video:

Did you check the part’s properties?

Ofc, all work when i touched, but not for NPC

I wonder if it’s just that specific NPC.
Try importing a basic Rig from the Rig Builder in the Avatar section.
Move it over the part and see if anything prints?

oh yeah… It works when i make with it. But what’s wrong with that NPC? All fine…

I’m honestly not sure. Could you make a separate place, import the NPC there and send me the RBXL so I can see what’s wrong with it?

Or you can use the rig you imported, copy the meshes & accessories over to it and see if it works that way.

Even my first code works now with rig builder that i posted when needing help

npc.rbxm (14.1 KB)

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Ah I actually forgot that you can import files instead of places. Thanks for reminding me. I’ll take a look now.

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it should work now i guess

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local killnpc = script.Parent
local connection

connection = killnpc.Touched:Connect(function(hit)
	if hit.Parent:IsA("Model") then
		local getHitModel = hit.Parent
		local checkIfIsNotAPlayerModel = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(getHitModel)
		if checkIfIsNotAPlayerModel == nil then
			local CheckForHumanoid = getHitModel:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
			if CheckForHumanoid then
				CheckForHumanoid.Health = 0
			if checkIfIsNotAPlayerModel:IsDescendantOf(Players) then
				local SecondCheckForHumanoid = getHitModel:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
				if SecondCheckForHumanoid then
					SecondCheckForHumanoid.Health = 0

Thank you, the guy found it’s not about scripts. All about the NPC. I chagned NPC model now the script worked. But we are trying to figure out what’s wrong with NPC

The HumanoidRootPart was anchored. I’ve unanchored it and… :tada:

If this fixed it for you, marking this as the solution would be appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you all others and you! They helped alot.

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Oh may i ask something else?

It dedect when NPC touched on Server side, but i make the NPC move on Local side so it won’t be same for everyone. But now it won’t dedect when it touched in game for LocalPlayer view.

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That’s because you’re moving the NPC from the client and not the server. You’re using .Touched in a Script and not a LocalScript, so it won’t detect these changes.

Just move the code to a LocalScript and it should do the trick. Make sure to update the variables though as the LocalScript can’t be in a part that is in the Workspace.

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