Path Replacer Plugin

Hate having to rename paths when you move or rename stuff? Me too.
Yeah me too, all this plugin does is do that FOR YOU automatically.
Note that it won’t add any services for you automatically. Cuz I am lazy.
It does add servicfes automatically for you now when you parent it under any service

Link to the plugin: Path Replacer - Roblox


If there’s a similar plugin that works better please notify me.
This could be laggy with big projects. I haven’t tested. It most definitely has bugs.


Version 1.0.1!

  • fixed plugin running when playing in game (this caused unbearable lag)
  • fixed a bug with renaming services

Version 1.0.2!

  • a humongous performance update
  • a ton of bugfixes :frowning:

Maybe some day I’ll add support for :WaitForChild and :FindFirstChild

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What an usefull tool, I always hate having to do this. Good job!

It doesn’t seem to work unfortunately though

It is enabled but when I try to place the module somewhere else, it doesn’t change the path

Even if I reload it, it still doesn’t work

I checked the output and in the video, there was outdated info, I had it enabled and nothing changes

(If you ever look at the source then I hope that you’ll be saved from headaches, because now it is in such a mess)

should be fixed. I probably introduced a ton of new bugs.
next update I’ll add :WaitForChild and :FindFirstChild support

Version 1.1

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Unfortunately, this plugin crashes my project whenever i load with it, will use when its more optimized though.

I’ll probably rewrite most of the code because of the horrendous quality of it. It’ll be way better in future.

good to hear, can’t wait for it!