Pathfinding Attempts to go Through Walls

I have a zombie script that works pretty well for the most part, but everyone once in a while they get stuck. I thought it was an issue with my script for a while until I drew out the waypoints to see exactly what was going on and it was trying to go through a wall. Is this worth reporting as a bug or is something in my script wrong or are my walls too thin or something? Any help would be appreciated!

path:ComputeAsync(rootPart.Position, targetRoot.Position)
if path.Status == Enum.PathStatus.Success then
		local loopEnded = false
		local cancel = nil
		cancel = loopFinished.Event:Connect(function()
			loopEnded = true
		local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
		for i = 1, #waypoints do
			humanoid.Jump = waypoints[i].Action == Enum.PathWaypointAction.Jump
			if loopEnded then break end
		humanoid:MoveTo(rootPart.Position, rootPart)
	humanoid:MoveTo(targetRoot.Position, targetRoot)
	humanoid.Jump = true

From what it looks like, your zombie doesn’t appear to have a safe way to get off the platform since there aren’t stairs or ramps or anything like that. Try adding a ramp that goes off the platform to create a safe way for your zombie to travel on and ensure that the wall is anchored and it can collide.

There is a ramp to get up, it’s just sorta cropped off in the picture. My bad.

Try looking into Pathfinding Modifiers