Pathfinding Giant mech

So I’m using Roblox wiki pathfinding code source to walk this mech and I made path params of
[“AgentHeight”] = 9,
[“AgentRadius”] = 13,
[“AgentCanJump”] = false

It works in some cases but when it’s a straight shot past blocks
it acts like that block isn’t in the way and the path params are ignored for some old reason
White dotted line Below

Then I moved the block a couple of studs and it works just fine. why is this?
White dotted line Below

Try experimenting with different values for the [“AgentRadius”] = 13, setting. You are doing the right thing by drawing the path in the first instance,. It may just be a case of fine tuning the settings for your particular NPC choice.

That doesn’t seem to work, I’ve changed it many times, and has changed :confused:

How high have you gone for the value for AgentRadius? You could try and set the part size for your visible waypoints to the AgentRadius and see if there are any collisions where you expect them to occur.
Read the following article as well to see how others have calculated their values.

Does hip height effect or any of the custom values of height width of the character affect this?

Sorry I didn’t include the reference Devforum article:

I haven’t specifically had the issue you are experiencing but the article above might help a little.

I’ve already read this, doesn’t show how others calculated their values.