Pending Posts Approval Issue

Ladies and gentlemen, as my group expands so do my documents on DevForum. I have created several documents regarding my group on DevForum, however, as I come to post my group handbook, I receive a notification saying that it is pending approval. I have received this notification a few months ago when I was also trying to post my handbook and it appears as it never got revised. Anyone got any tips as to what I should do?

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My guess is that you just wait for a Top Lead Contributor to approve it.

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There is an automated system that puts new posts under review when you include non-allowed links in certain categories, since that is against forum rules. (see About the Bulletin Board category for the list)

To avoid the problem, only use links to allowed domains. That means i.e. avoiding Discord invite links.

No, we don’t see these posts. Only DevEngagementTeam can see those.