Performance efficient way of handing a client side inventory system?

Before you ask yes I have the server side part of the inventory system done, i just need ideas for an efficient way of handling the client side such as the gui, objects and such. This being my first inventory system, I have 0 experience with this stuff and I’m worried about my game’s performance. Would really appreciate it if someone with experience can share me their method.

Inventory system on client-side with UI objects is often not performance-intensive, and if it is, the player won’t notice that much because their UI is often static and only focuses on their inventory. Tho if you use scrollingFrame, I highly suggest you optimize it because the moment you scroll, it will DESTROY performance when you have a lot of UI object in it.
Here is a great guide on how:

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A good way to handle the scrolling frame issue is to instead use a UIPageLayout and only render a page of inventory items at a time, if you desire a dynamically-sized inventory

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Depending on context or how you may want to go about creating your inventory system, your best bet is to use UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input) to help you get started. This connection can be reused for various things. More info here: UserInputService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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