[UPDATE] Performance Heatmap v1.2 - Free Plugin Tool

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Performance Heatmap v1.2

Trusted by thousands of Roblox developers, Performance Heatmap is the go-to solution for fixing lag problems in your game. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Performance Heatmap helps you make your game clean and without lag quickly and easily.

🥇 The Best FREE plugin for buildings optimization 🥇

:gem: Medias

:sparkles: Features

  • Heatmap: With just one click see the most problematic buildings with highlights.
  • Density: Calculates a density estimate (part amount/volume).
  • Lights: Calculates a light score estimate (Brightness * Range).
  • Particles: Calculates a particles score estimate (Brightness * Range * AvgLifetime).
  • Part Amounts: Simply find the models with the highest part quantity.
  • List and Colors: Intuitive colors and list help you to understand how to optimize your game.
    And others…

Thank you to all our contributors for helping make this project a success! :heart:

:gear: Changelog

  • Added lights feature.
  • Added particles feature.
  • Now elements are sorted in descending order.
  • Changed instances icons.
  • Fixed some bugs

  • Added density feature.
  • Added more UI animations.
  • Added labels to indicate values ​​for each model.
  • Made UI more responsive.
  • Fixed some bugs

  • Created first version ever!

:bulb: Ideas or Problems?

Found a bug? Have a feature request? Let me know by writing below or chatting with me in Discord server:

Made with ❤️ by MattQ

Seems pretty cool, but what about drawcalls?

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holy W plugin thank you so much

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mesh = lag ?

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it makes choices based of how many part or meshes model has it doesnt actually help you optimise the game

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well technically it would help you optimize the game so you can find models that arent optimized, thus helping you optimize the game.

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size of parts / meshes != lag

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This came out today, where is this number coming from.

This looks cool but all it really does is count parts, and Roblox can show thousands of parts without much of a problem thanks to built in Occlusion Culling.


The amount of parts can create lag. From the code you showed it would appear that that is exactly what the plugin does.

I do have to agree with this though,


No. thats not how they work they would only lag if parts were not anchored theres big experiences like bedwars,jailbreak that have thousands of part but they run smoothly it all comes down to how its made if youre claims were true than most of games on roblox wouldnt exist lol

meshes and part amount does not determine if the building can cause issues or not thats not how it works and if it was a case than most of experiences on roblox wouldnt exist by now

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Good point my bad, I should’ve taken into account physics and stuff (as those I presume cause lag lol)

My bad, thanks for clearing that up!

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These claims are not true because the plugin just checks part and mesh amount of the model that is not how you properly determine if building can be laggy or not

according to the plugin 50 parts in the model = big model and can cause “lag” but is that really true ? hm… lets see

9500 parts (anchored + CastShadow on)

85000 parts (anchored + CastShadow on)

i would suggest doing more research next time before making any claims especially when youre providing resources to everyone publicly because some people dont have experience and will just believe everything you say


yeah, loading mesh make games lagging

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Maybe I misunderstood, the parts make the game lag if there are many in a small space. my script finds the parts in each model and marks models with multiple parts as red. It’s not exactly the most precise tool but you can’t do better

what do you mean with drawcalls?

Trusted by thousands mean that my other plugins have received thousands of downloads from people that liked my plugins.

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the base roblox geo is literally as fast as it gets so i dont know why a 50> basepart count building is tagged as unoptimized, more than likely having a building under 50 geos is as optimized as it gets.

tagging meshes as unoptimized by default is just… wrong, i dont know why you chose to go about it like this, id expect youd atleast do a trig count :sob:

anyways, i dont really reccomend using this until the developer improves on it like… alot. Goodluck with your plugin and I hope you can make an upgraded version.

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A draw call is an instruction to the GPU so it can render something. It is an easy way to determine if your map is laggy, which can be viewed by pressing Shift + F2. There are also properties under the Stats Roblox Service which allow them to be accessed via script.

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if that was an issue than games would take 1-5 minutes to load but instead they load instantly go take a look at roblox bedwars or jailbreak or bloxburg or any big game on roblox they have thousands of parts and meshes but they dont lag it all comes down to how the mesh is made

What… pretty sure MeshParts actually are humongously more optimized than Parts when creating large builds, as with Parts you have a fixed amount of tris per part wether you like it or not, but with MeshParts you can cull as many unexposed tris as you like from the MeshPart. Ridiculous.