Performance: Models vs Folders?

So as im optimizing game im wondering, what is better for performance if you don’t need the features models offers (SetPrimaryPartCFrame, BreakJoints etc). Would there be any difference?

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Model for buildings.
Folder for ValueObjects, Models, etc.

For example, This usage is correct:


But, this is not correct:

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Yes but switching to folders when I dont use the features models provide should increase performance right?

Generally, less features mean more performant. I’d just use folders if you don’t need the features of models, it would make no noticeable difference overall.

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To be honest, it doesn’t make much of a difference, but In studio, Model have optimized movement tool.


Where are you getting your information from @dollychun? There would most likely be no difference in optimization between parenting a part to a folder and parenting a model to a folder—unless you have some source I haven’t heard of.

I believe folders and models are nearly identical as far as optimization, besides models have a few extra properties and functions, which probably has nearly irrelevant effects.

- PseudoPerson
Written on mobile



By optimization, they are referring to performance, not building speed or anything like that. Storing collections of parts in folders for organization is perfectly acceptable and sometimes preferable, though I do agree that models are better in some ways.


I think he’s referring to the fact that models treat it’s children as an entire instance (physically), while folders do not.

@dollychun This doesn’t 100% indicate that there’s a performance difference between using folders vs models though.

Still, I would think normally less functions and properties would mean less lag and memory usage.


@AgentVanBur did a performance testing between these two. As a result Folder seems like a better choice.


“There might be a small performance benefit for folders.” Plus I dont really care for how long it takes to parent but rather the constant lag/memory usage it would create.

Oh wait I got the thing swapped up. Sorry :smile:

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The performance impact between using models and using folders is miniscule. It’s not worth your time replacing the models and folders in your game.


I’ve already done it (was not that hard tbh), was just wondering what the benefits would be and if it would be better performance compared to a model (even if miniscule).

dollychun that’s mainly opinion. Putting parts in folders are good if you want to be able to freely select individual parts, and models are good if you’re making something you want to duplicate and move around easily.

And yes I know you can hold alt to select parts in a model

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The performance impact is slightly higher but it’s basically unnoticeable unless you run you’re playing Roblox on a calculator. The point is to just not worry about these small things. Don’t waste your time micro optimizing your game. Games perform poorly generally not because of these tiny things. Look at the things that can really affect performance:

  • Expensive Code being Run Over and Over Again
  • Unnecessary amount of detail

i know this is a 4 year old thread, but id like to mention incase anyone else is having the same issue and needs a solution but for me there was 1 folder in my game causing a shit ton of lag for some reason when i re-equipped and de-equipped parts, and it turns out converting a folder to a model saved me about 50+ frames every time i re equip and de equip

its super weird because they shouldnt have been anywhere close to being related and no other scripts were interfering (i know because i used console to disable all of them), but they were related.