Performant skinned mesh ocean with built-in support for floatable objects (boats, ships and more!)

Using this seems to put my network receive into the red (something that I’ve noticed with other mesh deform oceans as well.) Do you have any idea of why this may be happening?

I don’t really know what could be causing this, is this a constant increase in network receive or is it only in the beginning? I’m confused since the script doesn’t have any networking whatsoever.

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I don’t know. It seems to be an issue with having the mesh in the game at all (other skinned meshes for oceans also have simmilar issues. Whenever a remote event is fired, it causes a lag spike for the client, and I have no idea why. It happens on every single remote event I use as well, not just ones that do a lot.

Greetings, very interesting creation. I am currently using Boats that contain Vectorforces and other Bodymovers to make it working.

I was wondering since you said the “Primarypart - Platform” must be anchored in order to make a object float, if it would work for my boats. As I remember correctly my Boat won’t move with a anchored Part attached to it.

Another question would be if the float-system can handle bigger waves. I will check it out myself once I find the time.

I would be glad for a reply within near future.

Best regards, Sxato.

You can use GetHeightAtXZ in your boat system instead of relying on the built in floatable support.

The system does support big waves given you configure it properly.

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That’s amazing, glad that you responded that quick. I will try this and see how it goes.
Hope you have a good day / evening.

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Hi, do have a .rbxl file with a floating boat in big waves ?


Hello again, is it possible to make a Boat with the built in floatable support?

As soon as I am trying to Unanchor the Platform and insert a “Alignposition” to keep it in place and weld the “Body” all together the floatable object starts to freak out and it disappears.

I appreciate any kind of help.

Best regards, Marvin

You should move it out of the floatables folder if you’re doing custom floatation.

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I already did that, since it’s late for me ill respond tomorrow with more details about my problem,

To clearify, I managed to make a “floating” effect on a boat while it can move across the ocean.
I was just wondering if I could use your specific built in floating system to create a moving boat, since your way looks cleaner.

If you wish we can talk about this in a more direct way, to not disturb others. If you wish so please let me know, I would send you over my contact.

Hello, I’ve been trying many ways to make the ship move and i’ve found a few ways but they’re not really consistent, could you tell me you’ve moved the ship, if you’ve figured it out?

Greetings, I made my ships moveable with Bodymovers (AlignPosition, AlignOrientation) and used the given function “GetHeightAtXZ” to get the Y axis. The Y axis is constantly being applied to my Boats with the help of the AlignPosition. Everything else is controlled by a Seat.

Here is a little example of code how I align my Megalodon to the Ocean:

AP.Position =, Wave.GetHeightAtXZ(ClonedMeg.Main.Position) + RandomAdd, AP.Position.Z)

“RandomAdd” is a Number that is being choosen from a specific interval to make the Megalodon not stuck on just one Y axis. With the help of the function I can always make sure that this won’t look weird in any situation at any time.

To get back to your request, I gave up on making the Boats and possible future other moving objects work with the built in floatable support. I will use this support for static objects tho, since it really looks clean.

If you have further questions on how to align stuff to the water or any kind of movement related stuff please let me know, I might can help you at this point.

Best regards, Marvin

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is there somehow to make the endless effect or should i make pivoit it to the player camera pos?

Since you want it to be “endless” I would recommend you to maybe create a base amount of wave - Sections and once you are close to the end of one direction you just move the Ocean Part infront to the direction you are about to approach. Generating these waves would be more difficult, since as far as I know the Ocean System is initiating once and never again (I think you can also Init / Stop it again).

Hope I gave you some kind of solution that will help you out.

Best regards, Sxato | Marv!

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thanks for the reply, i will try to make it!