Alright! Thanks for ordering! It’s really appreciated!
Alright thanks! That’s really good. I can’t wait to see the colored one!
Heya, bought the coloured version, can’t wait to see the final product
Thanks for purchasing! You’re the last spot! Expect it to be done within a week Thanks again!
me or baccdraco because i was first?
I’ve been busy with school this week so I’ll try and get some of the drawings done this weekend!
I’ll be working on some of these today!
Hey guys! I had a commission come in so I had to put these on hold.
Will be working on these throughout the week!
Will be working on these over the weekend! Sorry I’ve been really busy!
Thank you, I wish the best of your future in the dev forum.
Thanks! Hope you like it and same to you
These will be permanently closed from now on. The people who have not yet received the art they paid for will get them within the next month or two. Due to school and commission work there isn’t any time for me to continue doing this for the foreseeable future. Thanks to all who were interested and I’m sorry about the wait!