Physics upon initial creation dilemma

I’m going to create all of the effects on the client.Checking the collision on the client is a big no no so I am not going to do that. I will just simulate the movement of the objects on the server by just calculating the position and raycasting from that position to check for collision. I’ve decided this is the best way instead of using phsysics. I guess the only downside would be that if there is a decent amount of server lag it would look like it hit the target on the client but not the server side. My application won’t be as intense and will be more forgiving than a shooter game so I will sacrifice this to make everything look smooth.

I’m working on a utilities module that introduces arcs that are similar to rays. You might be able to use those?

thats not what i meant i said to set it to massless when you use a vectorforce becuase vectorforce does not negate gravity and it has a drop but anyways it would not help because massless objects are effected by gravity

Create a box somewhere in workspace that contains all the projectiles for each player when they join the game. Have the network owner set at this time too so there’s no network switching that would cause the hop you’re seeing. When firing, just change the position and reset any scripts associated with the projectile. When it’s ready to be deleted, just move the position back and stop any scripts for the projectile. You can force it to create a new projectile in the box if it falls into the void too using the AncestryChanged event.

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that’s not a bad idea. I might use it later, but for now I will create everything client side and simulate everything with ray cast and cframe.

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I was just wondering, seeing as your arrows do have travel time - do you plan to incorporate this in your server side collision check?

I am simulating the server side movement of the arrows by interpolating from the start cframe to the end and check the collision with ray casts every step. And then doing the same thing on the client but I am cframing the actual arrow.