Pivot Points - Studio Beta

No, I meant the literal PropertyName PivotOffset, which takes a CFrame value.

Ah - you can tween PivotOffset, but that doesn’t actually move the part, it just moves the pivot relative to the part. If there is a way to use this for a door, I haven’t thought of it yet.

I do want to make it possible to TweenService location of stuff via the pivot, but this is a bit complicated. Origin Orientation / Position aren’t “real” properties, they only exist in the properties pane, so there would have to be some special code path to basically translate to PivotTo calls.

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My main issue with it is half the time the movement tool is actually miles away from where I want it to be so for example if I was trying to move a large part/model up to another part/model it makes it more difficult because I have to zoom right out and find where the movement tool is however with the old movement tool It was always at the very edge of the part/model instead of being in the middle or attached to another part within a model (very common in vehicles the movement tool attaches itself to the vehicle seat)

I just overall prefer the old movement tool.

Again, how does Handle Summoning play into this? Have you tried it but found that it’s too awkward to use to solve this problem?

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Many plugins already use pcalls to check if certain operations can be performed (if an error is involved) to check if features are enabled, and I think LogService (if warnings appear), exposing the beta features ability (for reading, not writing to) to plugins would just make the process easier.

When I try to rotate a part (after changing its pivot point), it doesn’t rotate the way as expected.

I changed the pivot point to the end of the part, but when rotating it still rotates around it’s own axis (like the “standard” behaviour.

I made a post here:

Thanks for any help!

Shouldn’t there be a method such as GetPivotBoundingBox, instead of fully integrating GetBoudingBox with pivots? I find the fact that if theres limited functionality when it comes to GetBoudingBox with no primary part, it may lead to some confusion. If this isn’t a possible change, I’d believe that a friendly reminder that a PrimaryPart is important regarding pivot points and GetBoudingBox. :wink:


If you do want that functionality you could actually get it by temporarily modifying the pivot to the desired value and calling GetBoundingBox.

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Thanks, I’ll consider that. :+1:

Sorry for bumping this post.
I’m not sure if this is the correct place, but when you have the “Pivot Editor” beta feature disabled, the scale tool breaks when you hold CTRL to change the size from both sides of an object.
(The scale tool handles don’t do nothing when pressed, and when you deselect the tool, they continue there with the tool also)

And when I reproduce the issue, the output shows this.

  builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Handles.ExtrudeHandles:608: invalid argument #1 to 'new' (Vector3 expected, got nil)  -  Edit
  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Handles.ExtrudeHandles', Line 608 - function _computeProjectionLineAndScaleCenter  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Handles.ExtrudeHandles', Line 629 - function _getDistanceAlongAxis  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Handles.ExtrudeHandles', Line 374 - function mouseDown  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerStates.DraggingHandle', Line 29 - function _init  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerStates.DraggingHandle', Line 14 - function new  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerToolModel', Line 116 - function transitionToState  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerStates.Ready', Line 129 - function processMouseDown  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerToolModel', Line 330 - function _processMouseDown  -  Studio
  Script 'builtin_ScaleDragger.rbxm.ScaleDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.DraggerTools.DraggerToolComponent', Line 95  -  Studio
  Stack End  -  Studio

Also, it’s worth noting that I have tested this with another person, and they also got the issue.

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