Pixelization Effects with ViewportFrames

I was searching for a way to pixelize my game without impacting performance too much and found a forum by 89five talking about his method of pixelization but quickly found that it only really worked for his use cases so i made some edits and in my opinion have a much better, and more dynamic system.

Please note that I’m sure there are plenty of bugs as I’m not the best coder, this is also limited to 2048 parts loaded in the viewport frame for reasons i am not aware of. Please, please, please! if you find a bug share with the forum i would love to know any solutions, especially for the 2048 part gap. It seems you can still add parts to the viewport frame when it caps out but the script stops. The sky box disappears because it used viewport frame but I’ve found using a inverted sphere with a sky box texture works pretty well. You can find the test demo here (Game Link)


awesome man, no words, might use this anyway

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yo this is actually really cool and I think I could use it in one of my games, thanks!

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I haven’t seen this, could you send me the dev forum link? I’d love to see it.

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really cool game

the original devforum posts I found this effect from