Place tool on back when unequipped?

You can just click the attachment and use the built in studio move tools and rotate to adjust its position and orientation/rotation


Attachments won’t dynamically adjust themselves according to the character’s rig type, scale or package.

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It’s an R6 rig for all characters.

In that case you should be fine, you may have to be wary of the different packages though.

This method will work for all scales and packages and rig types, it just needs some adjustin of course

I’m finding that this is working, thanks! Doesn’t look great yet but I’ll just keep adjusting until it does.

I think hell only be using the R6 rig though so i think he’ll be fine

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Could I possibly see how it looks to give you some pointers or help?

Oh no I just mean that I haven’t fully adjusted it yet, here look:

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It will if the adjustments are performed programmatically, fortunately as this only concerns R6 avatar rigs that shouldn’t be necessary.

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Oh and also dont forget to destroy the clone of the weapon that was on your back when you re-equipt said weapon

Yep, here’s my code I used.

local tool = script.Parent
local char = tool.Parent.Parent.Character
local clone = game.ReplicatedStorage.ToolAccessories.BaseballBat:Clone()

	clone.Parent = char