Place traffic award not being distributed entirely

January 2nd, I was asked by some war groups if I would be willing to lend out one of my places since I had access to 100 player servers. They have been using it non-stop, and have visited it 3,656 times over the past couple of days:

I can confirm this number is accurate because the “total visitors” of that place was only a little over a 1000 when I first opened it up this year for the war groups to use.

However, the “Trade” window says I have only earned 1,648 tickets in the past week for place traffic:

You’d think it could just be the trade window not displaying my income properly, but if you look at my actual account:

I haven’t purchased anything that cost money in the month so far, so I don’t see how it’s possible for me to have less tickets than the number of visits my place has gotten in the past week unless there’s something going on.

Edit: Here’s the link to the place if that’s needed:

I just assumed I had repeat players so didn’t get the income. My summary page is reporting about 1/4 of the actual number of visits when averaging the past 2 days with developer stats and using the daily summary

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Isn’t the place tracking the number of visitors but you only get tickets for each unique visitor?

Can you look at the number of unique visitors? (It’s a tab in the developer stats of the place)

I think you may not be getting a ticket for every visit because the same people are visiting too quickly in consecution. It used to be the case that there needs to be at least 6 hours between visits to get another ticket from the same user visiting. The visit counter will still increase.

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No, can you get tickets from the same person. In the past I’ve gotten multiple tickets from my account when visiting an alternate account’s place. I think there’s a cooldown or something where you won’t get a ticket if the last place they visited was your’s and they try to visit it again, but this is a war group rally, so they teleport to places to raid and then come back. I could understand if there were small discrepancies where someone disconnected and came back without visiting another place first, but the difference is too large for that to be at fault.


I find it hard to believe I only have 55 unique visitors since the place has had a server filled up to the brim with 100 players and even some in another one.

If that’s the case, then that explains it. The war groups that use it teleport to a place to raid, raid for an hour or two, return to the rally, and rinse and repeat a couple times. It’d be nice if there was a question mark on the Summary page under the Trade tab next to Place Traffic Award that explained that.

I think you need to compute area under the curve to get your new visitors over that time period. That’s 55 new visitors that day, but ~200 total. Still, it seems a little light.

@Merely Am I right on how that graph works?

That graph under the promotions tab represents visitors that have not been on roblox before

This is correct. The number of visitors to your place is one of the graphs (Visits) under the first tab of your dev stats page–the number of visitors in the promotions tab is a different statistic and does not necessarily represent plays.

I think it’s most likely that you didn’t get tickets for repeat visitors.

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But according to the graph and summary, I’m getting people play my game 4 times per day on average which seems a little excessive

Sorry for the late reply. Last I checked, you only get a ticket once per time a person visits per day. If a person visits multiple times in a day, it counts as multiple visits but you only get 1 ticket.


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