How to make a team-sided placement system?
I have no idea how to make a placement system specifically for teams, and if I were to watch videos I wouldn’t understand other than copy and paste.
Any more explanation on what exactly you want from a team-sided placement system? Perhaps another reference to a game you want to make theres a lot.
Otherwise, I believe you are looking for associating which team placed which block/thing and for that, you can use the collection services to assign a string for each block/object that was placed so that you get find out and perform the game mechanic logic on it.
I never used the Team system built-in on Roblox… That Collection Service seems very helpful… I was actually storing a part or something with a name (invisible) to tag things and store “info” inside those… and creating “teams” by creating tables in script, and managing from there…
Where I can start to fully understand the Team system in Roblox?
Well, there is always the API reference for the built in teams and the article. It’s just another way to organize things within the workspace which can get really messy.
Well, that’s actually pretty normal and an ok solution, and what is what one of my favorite games MuffinKombat did to manage enemies by storing a value with a name of a Vector3Value. Guns only did damage to enemies with an instance with the name imamuffin to differentiate between teams.
Edit: Please use collection services since it has some really neat built in functionality and so should be easier to use. Otherwise an object value may be more reasonable as you can store and object reference within it but it’s up to you.
Broke due to Filtering Enabled so it’s open-source now feel free to use it.
However, the collection services already has built-in functions to help manage these instances like getting all the instances CollectionServices:GetTagged instead of manually putting these instance references in a table. So it might just be less hassle free.
A Vector3 makes more sense, I will use it instead of parts or weird stuff. Thank you for that tip! Yup Im reading the documentation about teams… I just feel weird how it works… names changing color and stuff like that… maybe I will keep using my own “team system” by tables.
@SAN_Z3LL didnt mention what kind of placing system he’s trying, I wanna read more on this topic :v
This post brings me flashbacks when I asked the exact thing around 5 years ago. In all honestly it was pretty simple, all you need is to get the mouse’s hit position then move the part / model there. (If that’s what you mean with a placement system, I hope this isn’t a misunderstanding.) You can use an if statement to check if the user is in the team. I’d use these: GetTouchingParts()
for boundaries, mouse.Hit.p
and Clone
Some good posts for this would be these:
Im trying to make a placement system related to Clash Royale. I want it to be team-sided so I can add 2v2’s and 3v3’s or more
you should grasp a few things before attempting placement systems and teams
rounding positions to nearest cell.
function translate(pos, cellSize)
local x = math.floor(pos.X/cellSize+0.5)*cellSize
local y = math.floor(pos.Y/cellSize+0.5)*cellSize
local z = math.floor(pos.Z/cellSize+0.5)*cellSize
return Vector3.new(x,y,z)
local translatedPos = translate(mouse.Hit.Position, 4)
after that you’ll probably need raycasting as well, so you can determine which face was clicked if your placing builds onto other builds.
Managing teams is easiest with the team system that roblox provides, or you can try learning about tables to handle your own team data.
Ok Thanks for the orders of what I need to focus on to start making placement systems, because I’m very new to it.
no problem, hopefully you get the hang of it all and make something great.
You can find helpful youtube videos. That will teach you how to.
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