local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local part = script.Parent
local waitTime = 10
local Info = TweenInfo.new(10,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine,Enum.EasingDirection.In)
local tweenTrack = ts:Create(part,Info,{Position = Vector3.new(-24, 0.5, 506)})
local tweenTrack2 = ts:Create(part,Info,{Position = part.Position})
The base platform is not where it’s supposed to be. It keeps on moving to random locations and I have no idea why.
put it in a new place but the issue still persists.
Any parts that are welded to a tweened part should be unanchored while the tweened part remains anchored. I believe this offset might be caused by weld constraints or motor 6Ds so if you are using them, switch to regular welds. Just note that inserting a weld will move parts to Part0 so make sure you use a plugin like Moon Animator’s easy weld.
There might be a problem in your script then, because when I used yours my welded part didn’t even move and just dropped… I’ll reply again in a few mins.
This code that uses CFrame worked for me. I think it has something to do with weld constraints not adjusting for position-based movements but they rather adjust for CFrame-based ones.
CFrames are a combined coordinate frame of both position and rotation. To adjust the rotation, multiply the base position CFrame by CFrame.Angles and set whichever value flips the tram the other way using math.rad()