Play screen fading not disappearing

What do you mean by 30 ch ars

Is it a command or what because I am also new to scripting

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30 ch ars is because the characters limit is so annoying

and yes it will make the gui fade

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yep it works but the tool is not visible so any way to fix it

Enable the CoreGuiType Backpack.

game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("Backpack", true)

no its the transparency, not enabled

it works but chat does not appear so I will use the same command but Chat instead of Backpack

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WDYM? You can’t set a transparency with a CoreGUI?

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you can set the topbar of it, but its deprecated
so i thought you could also do that with coreguis

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Thanks you guys it worked thanks to @regexman @antcar0929

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im trying to get solution marks, can you mark my post as a solution