I am trying to automatically set a players team (using my own TeamHandler) when they join, but noticed that setting the HumanoidRootPart doesn’t always work. I thought that I should just wait for both the character to load and its appearence, although this did not fix anything.
The code is written in TypeScript, although it should be fairly self-explanatory.
// Auto-assign players to runners
Players.PlayerAdded.Connect((player) => {
^^ This script will automatically assign players to the runners team.
public SpawnPlayers() {
this.couldNotSpawn = [];
this.GetPlayers().forEach((player) => {
// Create new coroutine to avoid thread blocking when finding root
coroutine.wrap(() => {
const root = player.Character?.WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart", 5) as Part | undefined;
if (root !== undefined) {
// Choose random location and set the players position to that
const spawnLocations = this.teamObject.SpawnLocations;
const index = math.random(0, spawnLocations.size() - 1);
const position = spawnLocations[index];
root.Position = position;
} else {
print(`${player.Name} could not be spawned`);
^^ This script shows the part of the TeamHandler object which spawns players. It can successfuly get all the players and automatically sets their position to a random location.
If someone could explain why the root is not always moved, that would be great.